Delivering High Availability for Printing

June 2, 2016

Critical business processes often still rely on printing. With Windows Server 2012, Microsoft no longer supports print clusters. This leaves printing without a safeguard. Ensure that printing is always available when needed: ThinPrint 11 adds high availability to the many other ThinPrint benefits.

High Availability for Printing is Ensured by the Following Features:

  • Server Failover: IT can group two or more ThinPrint servers together. If one of the servers isn’t able to deliver print services anymore, a new mapping is triggered to one of the other servers in that group and the user can print seamlessly.
  • Server Load Balancing: Users are dynamically distributed to the different ThinPrint servers within the print server group, leading to perfect print performance. An additional benefit is that complicated assignment defining who is to see which printers from which servers become a thing of the past.
  • Maintenance Mode: IT can set one or more print servers in maintenance mode. Transparent for users, their printers will be automatically re-connected to other print servers in the group. Thus, IT can start maintenance at any time and with minimum effect on the user.
  • Client Failover: ThinPrint Clients with equal configuration automatically replace other clients in the event of an error.
  • Client Load Balancing: ThinPrint Clients with equal configuration can be used for load balancing on the client side.


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