What’s New at ThinPrint?
With more than 30,000 customers and 20 years of experience, ThinPrint has established itself as a provider of exceptional print management solutions. With the powerful ThinPrint Engine, print management is massively simplified, particularly in areas like virtual desktop printing, branch office printing and much more.
In an era which demands ongoing digital transformation in order to succeed, ThinPrint is optimizing its solutions too. In this webinar, we will take a look at the latest ThinPrint Engine 12 and explain more about its new features, like High Availability 2.0, and what improvements they bring.
In addition, you will learn how other printing solutions in our portfolio, like the ThinPrint Hub, ThinPrint Secure Tunnel and Personal Printing, deliver a truly modern and efficient print management experience for every use case.
What You’ll Learn in this Webinar:
✓ How High Availability 2.0 and Failsafe ThinPrint Secure Tunnel offer the best protection against print outages
✓ Easily license environments with improved multitenancy for service providers
✓ How the ThinPrint Hub & ThinPrint Secure Tunnel easily integrate printers in remote sites
✓ How Personal Printing increases print security